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Baseball T-Shirts


Description: We believe David Duchovny got inspired by this life changing experience... He claims Fox Mulder downloaded his music illegally off of the Interwebz, so how's that for meta?

Tags: the x files, david duchovny, fox mulder, chris carter, x philes
XFN Originals: #TeamNoromo Baseball T-Shirt

Description: Okay, fine, you don't like that icky-jucky-relationshippy crap? Then this is the team for you.

Tags: noromo, the x files, the xfiles, fox mulder, dana scully
XFN Originals: #TeamCarter Baseball T-Shirt

Description: This white haired thespian brought you The X-Files, a conspiracy that keeps unfolding, and the incomparable Mulder and Scully. He also went and created Millennium, Harsh Realm and The Lone Gunmen... but who's counting? Crave dark mysteries and what's the truth behind Area 51? Chris Carter is your guy.

Tags: chris carter, the x files
XFN Originals: Team Afterglow (Dark) Baseball T-Shirt

Description: Because we've waited 25 years for some of this... Noromos be damned, here comes Team Afterglow. This is the version for dark colors. Light colors available too on our store.

Tags: x files, xfilesnews, team afterglow, afterglow, dana scully
XFN Originals: #TeamManners Baseball T-Shirt

Description: If your favorite episodes of The X-Files left you dry from crying so hard, a camera pulling out of a room while Mulder & Scully kiss or they spoon in bed has more than one layer of significance to you, chances are you're one of Kim Manners' biggest fans. "Kick it in the Ass" is your motto, and this shirt your uniform. We miss him, everyday.

Tags: kim manners, the x files
Scully - Mulder 2020 - Rectangular Baseball T-Shirt

Description: This is our winning ticket for the next elections. No one else can make sense of this madness.

Tags: scully, mulder and scully, x files, mulder, i want to believe
XFN Originals: Scully-Mulder 2016 Baseball T-Shirt

Description: This is our winning ballot! There's no-one more capable to save this world from evil syndicates and mutants than Moose & Squirrel. They'll be ruling the White House soon enough, we hear that the Unremarkable house might be a thing of the past.

Tags: the x files, fox mulder, dana scully, chris carter, x philes

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