Description: Time for a vacation? Why not channel Dana Scully and head over to the relaxing coast of Maine? Just make sure to avoid killer dolls and creepy kids! Inspired on the episode "Chinga" this creation is sure to please the hardcore X-Phile.
Description: These are movers with your best interest in mind... for sure.
Description: Raise your hand if you can't make up your mind if William Scully is the savior of humanity or just a plain old reminder that Mulder and Scully did the deed? \0/ In any case, according to the latest season, we may want to be in this team, the cure for all things may be on his hands.
Description: You're loyal and without guile... you claim to be a cat person but really we all know you're dog people. By the book and the ultra skeptic, ex-NYPD and the man assigned to bring back Fox Mulder. Raise your hand if you homie is John Jay Doggett.
Description: Everyone has a favorite writer, so if you can't get enough of the shippyness and your favorite episodes are "Daemonicus", "TINH", "Two Fathers", "One Son", and have basked on his definition of MSR, you're probably a Frank Spotnitz fan!
Description: Want to sport some support for our site? For every item you buy, proceeds help us plan, support and fund many fan communities and ours. It helps us produce contests and initiatives with you and maintain our site and social communities! Thanks for all your support over the years :)
Description: 10 Seasons, 2 movies, Vancouver and Los Angeles and Vancouver again. When and where will the next X happen?
Description: Despised by many but admired by others, Diana Fowley was Fox Mulder questionable friend. Did she save him at the end of Amor Fati? Was she behind many of Mulder's lucky strikes? If you support this double face agent, this is a t-shirt for you.
Description: Oh the good ol' days of The X-Files: FTF. If you relish on the action packed drama... and followed his steps to Castle, you know that when everything looks that special kind of blue or that moody orange shit is about to get real... you definitely are a Rob Bowman fan!
Description: From the fans that saw the very early days of XFN and the promotional campaign for The X-Files: I Want to Believe. While "Frankie and Larry" are the names of Chris Carter's dogs, this shirt honors the handles used to identify Mulder and Scully on the call sheets for the second movie. A team of sneaky investigators and daring fans wore these to the Wondercon '08 panel, surprising the cast & crew with the discovery.